Self Assessment
The purpose of the Self-Assessment is to provide the teacher with feedback regarding how individual students viewed the collaborative work within the tasks, and to show the teacher if they understood the threshold concepts taught throughout the tasks. The Self-Assessment will provide the teacher with information they need to not only assess the learning of the students, but to also assess whether the tasks themselves were sufficient for addressing the threshold concepts identified. Data taken from these assessments can guide the reconfiguring of the tasks if needed.
Any time after students have completed their final task, they can navigate back to the website to access the Self-Assessment form. This is done as a Google Form, as it provides a simple way for students to answer the questions, and for the teacher to gather the feedback. Teachers should reiterate that the students should take the time to answer the questions as honestly as possible, and let them know that only the teacher will have access to the feedback that they provide. Teachers can view the results of the Self-Assessment by clicking on the button below.