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Task 5

The assessment for this task is formative and based on face to face observations within the classroom.  Teachers can observe students taking the feedback provided on the story into consideration, and collaboratively deciding the best way to expand and improve their original story.  After students have finished Task 5, teachers can access the Google Slide to see how the feedback was used, and what changes were made.  Additionally, students will be completing a self and group assessment after completing the final task.  This will assess a) how students felt about the task, b) how students felt about working collaboratively, and c) whether students learned the outlined threshold concepts.


The lesson begins by the teacher modelling how to take feedback and apply it to improve a piece of writing.  The teacher demonstrates how to add details to a story to make it better, while maintaining the structure of a beginning, middle, and an end.  After this, scaffolding will be done on an individual basis.  Teachers are able to circulate the room as students are writing their sentences, thus additional instruction can be provided to those students who are struggling to write their sentences. 


Students will again begin the task by gathering as a whole class with the teacher.  The teacher will model how to use feedback to improve the writing process.  By using the feedback modelled in Task 4, the teacher and the class will work together to improve and expand the original story to make it better.  They are encouraged to add more sentences to the Slides to make the story more interesting.  The step by step lesson plan can be accessed by the link below.


Students will learn how to use the feedback that they have provided to revise their paragraph (short story) and make it even better than the first draft.  This is where they will learn that even though they can create a paragraph by sequencing three sentences together, they can further revise and expand that paragraph in order to make it even better.  By completing this task they will have completed a series of sequenced steps that will taught them how to build a paragraph, by starting at the beginning with a simple sentence.  The threshold concept to be learned is: how to use constructive feedback to revise a paragraph.

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