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Task 4

The assessment for this task is formative and based on face to face observations within the classroom.  Teachers can observe students collaboratively reading the story, and discussing the 2 Stars and a Wish they will provide to the group whose work they are editing.  Teachers can visually assess how students are working collaboratively with one another. Additionally, teachers have the ability to view the Google Slides once Task 4 is complete to see what they Stars and Wishes for each group are, and who provided them. 


The lesson begins by the teacher modelling what 2 Stars and a Wish looks like, and what constructive feedback is. After this, scaffolding will be done on an individual basis.  Teachers are able to circulate the room as students are providing their feedback, thus additional instruction can be provided to those groups who need extra guidance.


The set up for Task 4 begins by the teacher once again gathering the students as a group.  The teacher will have an example of a story set up on Google Slides, and they will demonstrate how to edit the story by using the 2 Stars and a Wish format.  The students will be familiar with the 2 Stars and a Wish language from previous assignments.  The teacher will model how to write a comment on the story, providing two strengths and one area that could be improved to make the story stronger.  The key to this lesson is discussing with students what constructive feedback is.


Once all the sentences have been but into sequential order, students will read their group’s story together in order to provide constructive feedback before revising their story.  The students will be required to provide 2 Stars and a Wish in the comments of the Google Slides presentation, providing the group with ample feedback to take into consideration for the final task in the design.  The threshold concept to be taught is: How to provide constructive feedback in order to revise a paragraph.

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