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Task 2

The assessment for this task is, again, formative and based on face to face observations within the classroom.  Teachers can observe students editing their peers' sentences, and can make notes on those students who struggle, and those who are able to recognize how to edit properly.  Additionally, teachers have the ability to view the Google Slides and see the changes that are being made to each student's sentence by their peers.  They can assess the student's ability to peer edit a sentence once the student has completed Task 2.


The lesson begins by the teacher modelling the correct way to peer edit another sentence.  Students collaboratively participate in the group lesson as well.  After this, scaffolding will be done on an individual basis.  Teachers are able to circulate the room as students are editing their classmates' sentences, thus additional instruction can be provided to those students who are struggling to edit and provide constructive feedback. 


The students will remain in the groups that they were in for Task 1.  To set up Task 2, the teacher will begin the lesson with the class as a whole group, and will model what it will look like for students to peer edit their classmate's work. Click on the link below for a detailed lesson plan outlining Task 2.


The purpose of the second task is to have students peer edit a classmates' sentence.  Students will use their knowledge of sentence structure to peer edit a classmates’ sentence.  By accessing the Google Slide presentation that they used to write their own sentence, they will choose a different sentence to read and make corrections on. The purpose is to teach students how to give and receive constructive feedback, while improving their ability to write a sentence.  The threshold concept to be learned is: how to peer edit a classmates' sentence.

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