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Task 3

The assessment for this task is formative and based on face to face observations within the classroom.  Teachers can observe students working together, and make notes on those students who are participating and adding to the collaborative work, and those who are not engaging in the collaboration.  Teachers can view the Google Slides for each group after they have completed Task 3 to assess whether the groups were able to successfully sequence their sentences.


The lesson begins by the teacher modelling how to sequence sentences.  After this, scaffolding will be done on an individual basis.  Teachers are able to circulate the room as students are collaborating to sequence the sentences within their groups, thus additional instruction can be provided to those students who are struggling during this time. 


Task 3 will begin with students revisiting Task 2 to review the edits that have been made to their sentences.  The teacher will circulate to help students ensure that their sentences have been edited properly.  Once this has been completed, the students will gather again for a full class lesson before moving on to collaborate synchronously on Task 3.  Students will collaborate to put their respective sentences in a sequential order to create a paragraph. Students will work collaboratively with each other to sequence their individual sentences in their Google Slide presentation.  They will learn to drag and drop their slides so that their sentences are in a sequence that makes sense.  Students will have to decide what order their sentences should go in.  A step by step can be found through the link below.


The purpose of Task 3 is for students to learn how to put sentences in sequential order to create a paragraph.  The learning outcome for this task is that students will be able to recognize that a paragraph is a series of sentences placed in sequential order.  Additionally, they will recognize that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end.  These two concepts are intertwined, as both relate to the ordering of single sentences.  The threshold concept to be learned is: how to sequence sentences to create a paragraph.

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